'Hiding level in viewer Autodesk Forge

After I upload file.rvt into bucket and call API it to web app. Is there anyway to code for hiding level in viewer?

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Solution 1:[1]

First, you have to collect all elements from your model:

const instanceTree = model.getData().instanceTree;
const rootId = instanceTree.getRootId();

function getAllDbIds(rootId, instanceTree) {
var alldbId = [];
if (!rootId) {
    return alldbId;
var queue = [];
while (queue.length > 0) {
    var node = queue.shift();
        function (childrenIds) {

return alldbId;

Second - get all elements with the name "Level"

const levelId = allIds.filter((x) => instanceTree.getNodeName(x).includes("Level"))

Third step - remove elements by Id in the viewer:

viewer.impl.visibilityManager.setNodeOff(levelId, true)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Roman Lavrov