'How can I make PHPStorm auto-import namespaces in use statements?

I have checked the box for "Enable auto-import in namespace scope" in preferences, however when I select a class from the autocomplete, the FQN remains rather than placing it in a use statement. What am I doing wrong and how can I force phpstorm to auto-import these?

Solution 1:[1]

As of today (PhpStorm 2022.1), you should select prefer import option in Editor > General > Autoimport instead of prefer FQN.

enter image description here

Solution 2:[2]

Make sure that the file where you performing this is actually properly namespaced (as that is the requirement for Enable auto-import in namespace scope option).

If working in non-namepsaced file .. you should enable Enable auto-import in file scope option (it is not enabled by default for better compatibility with older existing code reasons).


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Dawid Ohia
Solution 2