'How can I pass parameters to an AutoMapper Profile in ABP?

I need to customize the way MyAutoMapper profile maps my objects to DTOs. From one of my ApplicationServices, I use an ObjectMapper for a relatively simple mapping. The catch is that ABP's AutoMapper isn't the normal AutoMapper that everyone knows about.

Below is a snippet of what it would ideally look like; Except opt.MapFrom(m => Localizer[m.Type.ToString()]) and _objectMapper.Map<Preparation, DtoPreparation>(preparation, _localizer) cannot work that way.

public class MyAutoMapperProfile : Profile
    public MyAutoMapperProfile()
        CreateMap<Preparation, DtoPreparation>()
            .ForMember(m => m.PreparatorType, opt => opt.MapFrom(m => m.Type))
            .ForMember(m => m.PreparatorTypeString, opt => opt.MapFrom(m => Localizer[m.Type.ToString()]));

public class SlipsAppService : TaxesAppService
    private readonly IObjectMapper<TaxesApplicationModule> _objectMapper;
    private readonly ISlipsManager _slipsManager;
    private readonly IStringLocalizer<TaxesResource> _localizer;

    public SlipsAppService(ISlipsManager iSlipsManager, IObjectMapper<TaxesApplicationModule> objectMapper, IStringLocalizer<TaxesResource> localizer)
        _objectMapper = objectMapper;
        _slipsManager = iSlipsManager;
        _localizer = localizer;

    public async Task<DtoPreparation> GetOrCreateCurrentPreparation(BaseGetterInput input)
        var preparation = await _slipsManager.GetOrCreatePreparation(input.Id);
        return _objectMapper.Map<Preparation, DtoPreparation>(preparation, _localizer);

I can't find a way to pass any information from my ApplicationService to the AutoMapper Profile, as IObjectMapper.Map<>() has no parameters for additional options or objects, unlike the normal AutoMapper.

Maybe there is a way to register the Profile in dependency injection, but with my limited knowledge of the framework, I couldn't find a clue...

For now, my problem is only with Localization, but really it can apply to anything. Since my DTOs contain other nested DTOs, managing extra stuff outside of the AutoMapper isn't an option, unless I change the structure of my application just for a workaround.


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