'How can i set a default selection in PrimeNG Treetable

I want to set the selection with the value i get from Local-Storage. Here is the code:


<p-treeTable [value]="tableDataRow$ | async"


public selectedRow;

 ngOnInit(): void {
    this.selectedRow = LocalStorageSelectedRow;

The value is set and can be shown in the console, but in the UI, the row is not selected.

Solution 1:[1]

I don't know if my answer could help someone, but the thing that I do is assign to the model variable (selected row in this example) the values which I want to be selected. also I set a variable in the component called "compareSelectionBy", and set its value with "deepEquals".

Example : in the ts

this model =[ 
      { data: { name: 'Applications', size: '200mb', type: 'Folder' } },
      { data: { name: 'Angular', size: '25mb', type: 'Folder' } },
      { data: { name: 'Cloud', size: '20mb', type: 'Folder' } },
      { data: { name: 'backup-1.zip', size: '10mb', type: 'Zip' } },
      { data: { name: 'backup-2.zip', size: '10mb', type: 'Zip' } },]

in the html:



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Solution Source
Solution 1 David