'How can I use an icon instead of a title in the Android Toolbar?

I'm using the Toolbar (instead of ActionBar) via AppCompat. I'd like to replace the Toolbar's title (the app/actity name) with an icon, but I don't see how.

My icon is just text using a non-standard font, so I guess it might be allowed in Material Design.

Solution 1:[1]

Use the following steps in your activity:

  1. Declare the Toolbar object:

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.tool1);
  2. Set the support actionbar:

  3. Remove title:

  4. Add your logo in drawable folder in:

  5. Add logo using this code:


Solution 2:[2]

At styles.xml first make a style for action bar with no title and with the logo like that

<style name="ActionBar.NoTitle" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionBar.Solid.Inverse">
        <item name="displayOptions">useLogo|showHome</item>
        <item name="logo">@drawable/ic_logo</item>

Then create custome theme for your activity with new actionbar style

<!-- Create a style for MainActivity called AppTheme.Main that uses our custom ActionBar style -->

<style name="AppTheme.Main" parent="@style/AppTheme">
    <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar.NoTitle</item>

Then go to manifest file under the specified activity set theme to AppTheme.Main


I wish that help everyone

Solution 3:[3]

Here is the answer to a very similar question: Android Lollipop, add popup menu from title in toolbar

It comes down to using the Toolbar as a ViewGroup (LinearLayout is a ViewGroup too, for instance). The layout designer doesn't currently support that, but you can add a child node in the XML.

Then you need to call this to remove the standard title text: getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false);


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Javier C.
Solution 2 wafaa hilmy
Solution 3 Community