Category "material-design"

how to change the Slider's thumb Material Component Android with image?

I am trying to use the slider in Material Design component, but stuck for styling the thumb. My design requirement needs shadow surrounding the thumb. From the

MaterialUI 5 : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')

After I created ThemeSetting.tsx context I cannot use <Button><Button> and all things that use theme of materialUI ReactJS , Typescript error TypeEr

Change the background color of exposed dropdown menu

I think Android developers are kidding us. First they removed the real spinner from the Material Design and second it is somehow impossible to style. Look at th

MaterialAlertDialogBuilder for DialogPreferences in PreferenceFragments

In preference screens, I'd like to use MaterialComponent's dialogs (using MaterialAlertDialogBuilder) instead of AlertDialog from AppCompat. However, AppCompat'

Android dark mode follow system returns wrong mode unless killing the app

I'm implementing dynamic dark mode change in the app I'm working on and It's working great for MODE_NIGHT_YES and for MODE_NIGHT_NO but when I'm setting this on

Surface at +(...)% colors in jetpack compose

In official Material Design 3 resources (e.g. the Figma design kit), there have been many references to colors called "Surface at +x". These colors are the surf

Can't get different state background for MaterialButtonToggleGroup

I'm using Material 3 ButtonToggleGroup, I want to have a different background when a button is selected. However, If I don't add any attributes to my style appl

How to activate Material Design JS?

import {MDCTextField} from '@material/textfield'; const textField = new MDCTextField(document.querySelector('.mdc-text-field')); @import "@material/text

How to reduce material.switchmaterial.SwitchMaterial end margin in android?

I've used "" in that left margin having some space. How to reduce that? I've need align straight of the

How i can set Half Expanded state for my BottomSheet

I have layout with bottom sheet. <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:

Flutter Execute Method so long the button pressed

I want to execute a method while a user is pressing down on a button. In pseudocode: while (button.isPressed) { executeCallback(); } In other words, the exec

Change the TextInputLayout outline color

I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I want: Using <

Material Design 3: How to make Toolbars the same color as primary surface?

I'd like my Android app to have toolbars the same color as the primary surface (and the status bar -- which is already the primary surface color out of the box

Where can I get codes of material icons?

I think there was a change in - there are no codes for the icons, just 'name version' for example: <i class="material-icons"> cam

Angular mat-form-field how to set width:100%

I create a registration form as part of my learning Angular and Nodejs. My form looks wide and it is ok, however the fields on this form looks narrow or thin. I

Why is my smallIcon for Notifications always greyed out?

I tried making the small icon exactly 16x16, gray-scaled, nothing but gray and white (the gray color being hex value 616161), to create a silhouette of my appli

Datatable column width issue after "refresh" row data

I'm currently using datatable to produce table below: I'm happy with the result as the width of each column is calculated automatically, resulting 1 line per

how to change the asterisk color in required * field

I have two required fields in my form .I want the asterisk color should be red.Currently it is showing black .I am using material UI react library ? here is my

Circular Progress Indicator inside Buttons, Android Material design

I have just read that buttons (MaterialButton) (progress indicator material design) in Material Design, are able to hold a circular progress Indicator, as you

Change borderBottomColor of MUI TextField when input is filled

I'm creating a form using MUI, by default TextField bottom border is grey, blue on focus then again grey on focus loss. I aiming to make it not lose blue color