'How can I use tensorflow-privacy in SeqGAN in a right way?
i'm trying to use DPAdamGaussianOptimizer from tensorflow privacy to switch my original optimizer so i could protect privacy during the training. but when i create the DPAdamGaussianOptimizer as i followed the doc:https://tensorflow.google.cn/responsible_ai/privacy/api_docs/python/tf_privacy/v1 and it looks like this:
class Discriminator(object): """ A CNN for text classification. Uses an embedding layer, followed by a convolutional, max-pooling and softmax layer. """
def __init__(
self, sequence_length, num_classes, vocab_size,
embedding_size, filter_sizes, num_filters, l2_reg_lambda=0.0):
# Placeholders for input, output and dropout
self.input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, sequence_length], name="input_x")
self.input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None, num_classes], name="input_y")
# self.input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, num_classes], name="input_y")
self.dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_keep_prob")
# self.dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_keep_prob")
# Keeping track of l2 regularization loss (optional)
l2_loss = tf.constant(0.0)
with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):
# Embedding layer
with tf.device('/cpu:0'), tf.name_scope("embedding"):
self.W = tf.Variable(
tf.random_uniform([vocab_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0),
self.embedded_chars = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.W, self.input_x)
self.embedded_chars_expanded = tf.expand_dims(self.embedded_chars, -1)
# Create a convolution + maxpool layer for each filter size
pooled_outputs = []
for filter_size, num_filter in zip(filter_sizes, num_filters):
with tf.name_scope("conv-maxpool-%s" % filter_size):
# Convolution Layer
filter_shape = [filter_size, embedding_size, 1, num_filter]
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(filter_shape, stddev=0.1), name="W")
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[num_filter]), name="b")
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
# Apply nonlinearity
h = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, b), name="relu")
# Maxpooling over the outputs
pooled = tf.nn.max_pool(
ksize=[1, sequence_length - filter_size + 1, 1, 1],
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
# Combine all the pooled features
num_filters_total = sum(num_filters)
self.h_pool = tf.concat(pooled_outputs, 3)
self.h_pool_flat = tf.reshape(self.h_pool, [-1, num_filters_total])
# Add highway
with tf.name_scope("highway"):
self.h_highway = highway(self.h_pool_flat, self.h_pool_flat.get_shape()[1], 1, 0)
# Add dropout
with tf.name_scope("dropout"):
self.h_drop = tf.nn.dropout(self.h_highway, self.dropout_keep_prob)
# Final (unnormalized) scores and predictions
with tf.name_scope("output"):
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_filters_total, num_classes], stddev=0.1), name="W")
b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[num_classes]), name="b")
l2_loss += tf.nn.l2_loss(W)
l2_loss += tf.nn.l2_loss(b)
self.scores = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(self.h_drop, W, b, name="scores")
self.ypred_for_auc = tf.nn.softmax(self.scores)
self.predictions = tf.argmax(self.scores, 1, name="predictions")
# CalculateMean cross-entropy loss
with tf.name_scope("loss"):
losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.scores, labels=self.input_y)
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) + l2_reg_lambda * l2_loss
self.params = [param for param in tf.trainable_variables() if 'discriminator' in param.name]
# d_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4)
d_optimizer=dptf.DPAdamGaussianOptimizer(1.0, 0.001, 1e-4)
# old_grads_and_vars=old_optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss, self.params, aggregation_method=2)
# print(old_grads_and_vars)
grads_and_vars = d_optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss, self.params)
self.train_op = d_optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars)
it showTypeError: Value passed to parameter 'shape' has DataType float32 not in list of allowed values: int32, int64
my tensorflow version is 1.14 ,python version is 3.6 and my tensorflow privacy is 0.3.0
can anyone help me with it,pls.
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Source: Stack Overflow
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