Running Anaconda and installed: Keras = 2.4.3 TensorFlow = 2.4.0 However, when importing Keras - I get "Keras requires TensorFlow 2.2 or higher". Tried uninstal
When using, I only see the text "Epoch 1/10", and after a few seconds, it shows "Finished" with exit code: -1073740791 status: 1. My labels are a on
hello everyone i am trying to train a model using cnn and keras but the training don't finish and i got this warning and it stops training , i don't know why an
Beginner here. I recently converted my images to grayscale using opencv. Then I used those images for training. When I was training, there was an error. "Invali
I have a tensor with shape (batch size, sequence length, 2, N, K) (in my particular case, the 2 represents the (x, y) spatial position). N represents N variable
In TensorFlow examples, I can see URLs to download the csv format of the dataset. For example, Iris-
fellow coders. I am trying to figure out ways to add a confusion matrix to the output of my Mobilenet-based multiclass classifier. Being a biologist with limite
My notebook was working up till today. At the beginning of my colab notebook I install tf-nightly, but now it is giving me this error: -------------------------
I have trained a model and now my task was to test it on unseen images from the internet. Originally the model was trained on CIFAR-10 so for the model I chose
I have been working on a tensorflow model that predicts short term positive and negative trends in the stock market using momentum indicators. I have the model
I'm learning ObjectDetection from this website I have installed ImageAI,Tensorflow and Keras. Then when I run this in python from imageai.Detection import O
I am trying to run the following command to !py C:/Users/Desktop/dataset/workspace/annotations/Annotations/ -x C:/Users/Desktop/dataset/Work
I am trying to fine tune a Huggingface Bert model using Tensorflow (on ColabPro GPU enabled) for tweets sentiment analysis. I followed step by step the guide on
I usually create just object recognition or classification. There is plenty tutorials on internet and its quite easy. It has usually few line of code: 1. load d
screenshot showing the model training stuck at epoch 1 without throwing error I am using google colab pro and here is my code snippet batch_size = 32 img_heigh
I got this error message when declaring the input layer in Keras. ValueError: Negative dimension size caused by subtracting 3 from 1 for 'conv2d_2/convolu
I've been trying to make a GAN in Python based of a article I read a couple of years ago. In the article they made a GAN that was 2D (from: https://blog.papersp
Here is my classification problem : Classify pathological images between 2 classes : "Cancer" and "Normal" Data sets contain respectively 150 000 and 300 000 im
Also posted the question at I am using tft in TFX and needs to transform string list class labels into multi-
I trained a deeplearning model (EfficientnetB0) and now using OpenCV, I want to make real time predictions on the model. But I am unable to do so without creati