'How create Nginx redirect if php send 404 error

i have a project and this project installed on few servers, he has one code, example:

Server "A" => Project "A"
Server "B" => Project "A"

Project has bundle for create caching and crop images, example:


If cache not exists, he will be create and after it will be all ok. Example for Server B:


But, Project "A" on a server "B" can know about "fileA.jpg" through database, and if we will be open through "http://projectB.com/media/cache/50_50/fileA.jpg" we will have error 404 "Cache cannot create because file does not exists" And how in this moment we can create nginx config for this situation?

Config on "ServerB"

location @liip_imagine {

    #proxy_intercept_errors on;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    #proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    #proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_pass https://projectA.com;

    # rewrite ^.*$ /bucket/$arg_member/$arg_imgname break;
    rewrite  ^/(cache)/(media)/resolve/(.*)$ https://erc.ua/$1/$2/$3;
   # error_page 404 @liip_imagine_404;
   # return 302 https://example.com/cache/media/$1/$2;

location ~ ^/(cache)/(media)/(.*)$ {
    if (-f $request_filename) {

    try_files /var/www/html/files/$3 @liip_imagine;

but this rules all time rewrite to "ServerA"


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