'How do I determine the order of "properties" with swagger-autogen in node.js?

For some reason, swagger-autogen is reversing the order of my properties in my swagger.json output file. For example, I have a simple 'user' mongoose schema set up with only 'username' and 'password' properties. When I run swagger-autogen, my PUT swagger-docs populate with the password first and the username last. I need username first and password last. I have to manually fix it in my swagger.json file every time I run swagger-autogen. Is there a way to determine properties order in my swagger.js or possibly on my controllers functions so I don't have to alter it every time?

Solution 1:[1]

swagger-autogen doesn't have an option to determine the order of parameters. In your case, you have two options:

Option 1: Try reordering your mongoose schema.

Option 2: Manually declare the parameter in the endpoint that contains the put method as follows:

app.put('/somepath', (req, res) => {

    /*  #swagger.parameters['body'] = {
            in: 'body',
            required: true,
            schema: {
                username: "user",
                password: "1234"
    } */


See more about swagger-autogen parameters here

If none of the options work, send us a link to a sample project or post here some pieces of your code that reproduces this problem. That way it's easier to help you.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 davidb