'How do I implement a raycast / laserpointer to Oculus controller?

I want to implement a graphic raycaster/ laserpointer to the left Oculus controller, so I can interact with UI buttons in Unity.

I have seen a lot of tutorials etc. but nothing has helped.

I want a laserbeam or laserpointer/graphic raycast to shoot out from Oculus controller when a button os pressed on the controller. I need the laserbeam to interact with UI buttons in Unity.

Solution 1:[1]

You can use a normal raycast

I recomend you make this:

  1. Create a script on your hand,and add a component called line renderer
  2. In the script attach the lineRenderer component
  3. make a simple raycast hit
  4. get the position of the hit object
  5. set the first position of the actual hand and the second to the hit object like this:

    lineRenderer.SetPosition(0,transform.position); lineRenderer.SetPosition(1,hitObject.transform.position);

And it draw a line from your hand to the hit object, remember to change the lineRender parameter to make a beautiful line

hope it helps

Solution 2:[2]

I created a project that uses unity's event system. It is a laser pointer which you can interact with unity's UI and 3d objects in the scene. If you want to check it out here's the link: https://github.com/balataca/oculus-laser-pointer


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Ferran
Solution 2 balataca