'How is data scraping based on location in Amazon?
Whenever I want to scraping on amazon.com, I fail. Because Product information changes according to location in amazon.com
This changing information is as follows;
- 1-Price
- 2-Shipping fee
- 3-Customs fee
- 4-Shipping status
Changing the location with selenium is simple, but the processing speed is very slow. So That's why I need to scraping with scrapy or requests.
However, although I imitate cookies and headers as in the browser, amazon.com does not allow me to change the location.
There are two big problems.
- There is a data called "ubid-main", I cannot derive a copy of this data. This is amazon without data. It does not allow to change location.
- Although I do the same for the header data, there is a difference between the outgoing data. Example: I use the exact same header in the browser. but in the browser the Content-Type goes as json, but in the code I made, it is text / html; charset = UTF-8 going.
And it is very interesting that there is no information on this subject. You cannot do location-oriented scraping to the world's number one shopping site.
Please enlighten me who knows the answer to this topic. If there is a solution as scrapy or requests, it is sufficient. Seriously, I haven't solved this issue for 1 year.
import requests
from lxml import etree
from random import choice
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import urllib.parse
import urllib3.request
def location():
headersdelivery = {
'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36',
'accept-encoding':'gzip, deflate, br',
payload = {
sessionid = requests.session()
url = "https://www.amazon.com/gp/delivery/ajax/address-change.html"
ulkesecmereq = sessionid.post(url, headers=headersdelivery, data=payload,verify=False)
return sessionid
def response(locationsession):
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
'TE': 'Trailers'}
postdata = {
req = locationsession.post("https://www.amazon.com/gp/glow/get-location-label.html",headers=headers, data=postdata, verify=False)
locationsession = location()
Solution 1:[1]
Firstly you should get the token anti-csrftoken-a2z
from the base amazon page:
Make a request to
with a specific User-Agent:Mozilla ...
Get JSON data by XPATH selector:
Sample of JSON from this selector:
"width": 375,
"closeButton": "false",
"popoverLabel": "Choose your location",
"ajaxHeaders": {
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": "ajaxHeaders >> anti-csrftoken-a2z"
"name": "glow-modal",
"url": "/gp/glow/get-address-selections.html?deviceType=desktop&pageType=Gateway&storeContext=NoStoreName&actionSource=desktop-modal",
"footer": "<span class=\"a-declarative\" data-action=\"a-popover-close\" data-a-popover-close=\"{}\"><span class=\"a-button a-button-primary\"><span class=\"a-button-inner\"><button name=\"glowDoneButton\" class=\"a-button-text\" type=\"button\">Done</button></span></span></span>",
"header": "Choose your location"
- Make headers to the next request:
headers = {
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": `gMDCYRgjYFVWvjfmU70/qMURqYh7kAko11WlenYAAAAMAAAAAGGokFZyYXcAAAAA`,
"user-agent": "Mozila ..."
Make a request to the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/glow/get-address-selections.html?deviceType=desktop&pageType=Gateway&storeContext=NoStoreName&actionSource=desktop-modal with headers from step 2 and response cookies from step 1.
from the response: Regex:'CSRF_TOKEN : "(.+?)"'
Make headers to the next request:
headers = {
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": "CSRF token from step 4",
"user-agent": "Mozila ..."
- Make a POST request to the:
with formdata:
"locationType": "LOCATION_INPUT",
"zipCode": "zip-code",
"storeContext": "generic",
"deviceType": "web",
"pageType": "Gateway",
"actionSource": "glow",
"almBrandId": "undefined",
with headers from step 5 and response cookies from step 3.
If all file you should get such response:
'isValidAddress': 1,
'isTransitOutOfAis': 0,
'address': {'locationType': 'LOCATION_INPUT', 'district': None,
'zipCode': '30322', 'addressId': None, 'isDefaultShippingAddress': 'false', 'obfuscatedId': None, 'isAccountAddress': 'false', 'state': 'GA',
'countryCode': 'US', 'addressLabel': None,
'city': 'ATLANTA', 'addressLine1': None}, 'sembuUpdated': 1
- Save response cookies from step 6 and use them for the further requests
Python script with all logic:
import json
import requests
from parsel import Selector
AMAZON_US_URL = "https://www.amazon.com/"
"Mozilla/5.0 ..."
DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = {"Accept-Language": "en", "User-Agent": DEFAULT_USER_AGENT}
def get_amazon_content(start_url: str, cookies: dict = None) -> tuple:
response = requests.get(
url=start_url, headers=DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS, cookies=cookies
return Selector(text=response.text), response.cookies
def get_ajax_token(content: Selector):
data = content.xpath(
if not data:
raise ValueError("Invalid page content")
json_data = json.loads(data)
return json_data["ajaxHeaders"]["anti-csrftoken-a2z"]
def get_session_id(content: Selector):
session_id = content.re_first(r'session: \{id: "(.+?)"')
if not session_id:
raise ValueError("Session id not found")
return session_id
def get_token(content: Selector):
csrf_token = content.re_first(r'CSRF_TOKEN : "(.+?)"')
if not csrf_token:
raise ValueError("CSRF token not found")
return csrf_token
def send_change_location_request(zip_code: str, headers: dict, cookies: dict):
response = requests.post(
"locationType": "LOCATION_INPUT",
"zipCode": zip_code,
"storeContext": "generic",
"deviceType": "web",
"pageType": "Gateway",
"actionSource": "glow",
"almBrandId": "undefined",
assert response.json()["isValidAddress"], "Invalid change response"
return response.cookies
def get_session_cookies(zip_code: str):
response = requests.get(url=AMAZON_US_URL, headers=DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS)
content = Selector(text=response.text)
headers = {
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": get_ajax_token(content=content),
"user-agent": DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
response = requests.get(
url=AMAZON_CSRF_TOKEN_URL, headers=headers, cookies=response.cookies
content = Selector(text=response.text)
headers = {
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": get_token(content=content),
"user-agent": DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
zip_code=zip_code, headers=headers, cookies=dict(response.cookies)
# Verify that location changed correctly.
response = requests.get(
url=AMAZON_US_URL, headers=DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS, cookies=response.cookies
content = Selector(text=response.text)
location_label = content.css("span#glow-ingress-line2::text").get().strip()
assert zip_code in location_label
if __name__ == "__main__":
Also, the similar logic using Scrapy Framework:
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from scrapy import FormRequest, Request, Spider
from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse
class AmazonSessionSpider(Spider):
Amazon spider for extracting location cookies.
name = "amazon.com:location-session"
address_change_endpoint = "/gp/delivery/ajax/address-change.html"
csrf_token_endpoint = (
countries_base_urls = {
"US": "https://www.amazon.com",
"GB": "https://www.amazon.co.uk",
"DE": "https://www.amazon.de",
"ES": "https://www.amazon.es",
default_headers = {
"sec-fetch-site": "none",
"sec-fetch-dest": "document",
"accept-language": "ru-RU,ru;q=0.9",
"connection": "close",
def __init__(self, country: str, zip_code: str, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.country = country
self.zip_code = zip_code
def start_requests(self):
Make start request to main Amazon country page.
request = Request(
yield request
def parse_ajax_token(self, response: HtmlResponse):
Parse ajax token from response.
yield response.request.replace(
url=self.countries_base_urls[self.country] + self.csrf_token_endpoint,
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": self.get_ajax_token(response=response),
def parse_csrf_token(self, response: HtmlResponse):
Parse CSRF token from response and make request to change Amazon location.
yield FormRequest(
url=self.countries_base_urls[self.country] + self.address_change_endpoint,
"locationType": "LOCATION_INPUT",
"zipCode": self.zip_code,
"storeContext": "generic",
"deviceType": "web",
"pageType": "Gateway",
"actionSource": "glow",
"almBrandId": "undefined",
"anti-csrftoken-a2z": self.get_csrf_token(response=response),
def parse_session_cookies(self, response: HtmlResponse) -> dict:
Return cookies dict if location changed successfully.
json_data = response.json()
if not json_data.get("isValidAddress"):
return {}
return self.extract_response_cookies(response=response)
def get_ajax_token(response: HtmlResponse) -> str:
Extract ajax token from response.
data = response.xpath("//input[@id='glowValidationToken']/@value").get()
if not data:
raise ValueError("Invalid page content")
return data
def get_csrf_token(response: HtmlResponse) -> str:
Extract CSRF token from response.
csrf_token = response.css("script").re_first(r'CSRF_TOKEN : "(.+?)"')
if not csrf_token:
raise ValueError("CSRF token not found")
return csrf_token
def extract_response_cookies(response: HtmlResponse) -> dict:
Extract cookies from response object
and return it in valid format.
cookies = {}
cookie_headers = response.headers.getlist("Set-Cookie", [])
for cookie_str in cookie_headers:
cookie = SimpleCookie()
for key, raw_value in cookie.items():
cookies[key] = raw_value.value
return cookies
Shell command:
scrapy crawl amazon.com:location-session -a country=US -a zip_code=30332
Solution 2:[2]
I see the CSRF token(anti-csrftoken-a2z) in the headers which you miss in your location request and one missed additional request to the location(https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/glow/get-address-selections.html?deviceType=desktop&pageType=Gateway&storeContext=NoStoreName&actionSource=desktop-modal). You should implement all requests the same as in a browser.
Simple example in Chrome:
Chrome -> devtools -> network -> XHR
copy as curl
copy and convert to the requests lib here(https://curl.trillworks.com/).
This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 |