'How to access a private field of the super class of the super class with reflection in Java?

In one API I am using I have an Abstract Class (Class A) that has a private field (A.privateField). Class B extends Class A within the API. I need to extend Class B with my implementation of it, Class C, but I need privateField of class A. I should use reflection: How can I access a private field of a super super class?

Class A
    - privateField
Class B extends A
Class C extends B
    + method use A.privateField

Solution 1:[1]

The fact that you need to do this points to a flawed design.

However, it can be done as follows:

class A
  private int privateField = 3;

class B extends A

class C extends B
   void m() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException
      Field f = getClass().getSuperclass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("privateField");
      f.setAccessible(true); // enables access to private variables

Call with:

new C().m();

One way to do the 'walking up the class hierarchy' that Andrzej Doyle was talking about is as follows:

Class c = getClass();
Field f = null;
while (f == null && c != null) // stop when we got field or reached top of class hierarchy
     f = c.getDeclaredField("privateField");
   catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
     // only get super-class when we couldn't find field
     c = c.getSuperclass();
if (f == null) // walked to the top of class hierarchy without finding field
   System.out.println("No such field found!");

Solution 2:[2]

An alternative way, if you're using springframework.

// Attempt to find a field on the supplied Class with the supplied name. Searches all superclasses up to Object.
Field field = ReflectionUtils.findField(C.class, "privateField");


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 masonshu