'how to automatically update the count of background jobs running in powershell?

I have few background jobs running in powershell and i'm trying to find a way to get the count of jobs "Running" and "Completed" which updates automatically once the job is completed.

function jobDetails {
    $d = Get-Job | Measure-Object -Property Name
    Write-Output "Total Number of Jobs = " $d.Count
    $d = (Get-Job -State Running)
    Write-Output "Number of Jobs Running = " $d.count
    $d = (Get-Job -State Completed)
    Write-Output "Number of Jobs Completed = " $d.count

please help me out as I'm a newbie to coding

Solution 1:[1]

Here you have something simple for you to experiment, there are many ways of doing it.

# How many Jobs?
$testJobs = 5

$jobs = 1..$testJobs | ForEach-Object {
   Start-Job {
      'Hello from Job {0}' -f $using:_
      # Set a Random timer between 5 and 10 seconds
      Start-Sleep ([random]::new().Next(5,10))

while($jobs.State -contains 'Running')
   "Total Jobs {0}" -f $jobs.Count
   "Jobs Running {0}" -f  ($jobs.State -eq 'Running').Count
   "Jobs Completed {0}" -f ($jobs.State -eq 'Completed').Count
   Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$jobs | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob

You could also use Write-Progress:

while($jobs.State -contains 'Running')
   $total = $jobs.Count
   $running = ($jobs.State -eq 'Running').Count
   $completed = ($jobs.State -eq 'Completed').Count

   $progress = @{
      Activity = 'Waiting for Jobs'
      Status = 'Remaining Jobs {0} of {1}' -f $running, $total
      PercentComplete = $completed / $total * 100
   Write-Progress @progress
   Start-Sleep 1

This answer shows a similar, more developed alternative, using a function to wait for Jobs with progress and a optional TimeOut parameter.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1