'How to create a dotted border around a box in flutter?

I am building a list of boxes layouts in my app using flutter. I want dotted border around the box. I have used card widget to create the boxes. But, how can I get dotted border around the boxes?

Solution 1:[1]


I have added this as a package in pub.

Now, all you need to do is

  color: Colors.black,
  gap: 3,
  strokeWidth: 1,
  child: FlutterLogo(size: 148),

Working Solution [Outdated]

Dashed Border Image

Like tomerpacific said in this answer, Flutter does not have a default implementation for dashed border at the moment.

I worked for some time yesterday and was able to come up with a solution using CustomPainter. Hope this helps someone.

Add the DashedRect to your container, like so

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 300,
          color: Colors.black12,
          child: DashedRect(color: Colors.red, strokeWidth: 2.0, gap: 3.0,),


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;

class DashedRect extends StatelessWidget {
  final Color color;
  final double strokeWidth;
  final double gap;

      {this.color = Colors.black, this.strokeWidth = 1.0, this.gap = 5.0});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Padding(
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(strokeWidth / 2),
        child: CustomPaint(
              DashRectPainter(color: color, strokeWidth: strokeWidth, gap: gap),

class DashRectPainter extends CustomPainter {
  double strokeWidth;
  Color color;
  double gap;

      {this.strokeWidth = 5.0, this.color = Colors.red, this.gap = 5.0});

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    Paint dashedPaint = Paint()
      ..color = color
      ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth
      ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke;

    double x = size.width;
    double y = size.height;

    Path _topPath = getDashedPath(
      a: math.Point(0, 0),
      b: math.Point(x, 0),
      gap: gap,

    Path _rightPath = getDashedPath(
      a: math.Point(x, 0),
      b: math.Point(x, y),
      gap: gap,

    Path _bottomPath = getDashedPath(
      a: math.Point(0, y),
      b: math.Point(x, y),
      gap: gap,

    Path _leftPath = getDashedPath(
      a: math.Point(0, 0),
      b: math.Point(0.001, y),
      gap: gap,

    canvas.drawPath(_topPath, dashedPaint);
    canvas.drawPath(_rightPath, dashedPaint);
    canvas.drawPath(_bottomPath, dashedPaint);
    canvas.drawPath(_leftPath, dashedPaint);

  Path getDashedPath({
    @required math.Point<double> a,
    @required math.Point<double> b,
    @required gap,
  }) {
    Size size = Size(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y);
    Path path = Path();
    path.moveTo(a.x, a.y);
    bool shouldDraw = true;
    math.Point currentPoint = math.Point(a.x, a.y);

    num radians = math.atan(size.height / size.width);

    num dx = math.cos(radians) * gap < 0
        ? math.cos(radians) * gap * -1
        : math.cos(radians) * gap;

    num dy = math.sin(radians) * gap < 0
        ? math.sin(radians) * gap * -1
        : math.sin(radians) * gap;

    while (currentPoint.x <= b.x && currentPoint.y <= b.y) {
          ? path.lineTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y)
          : path.moveTo(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);
      shouldDraw = !shouldDraw;
      currentPoint = math.Point(
        currentPoint.x + dx,
        currentPoint.y + dy,
    return path;

  bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
    return true;

I do not expect this to fit in with all use cases and there is a lot of room for customization and improvement. Comment if you find any bugs.

Solution 2:[2]

Here is a fdottedline flutter package to easily added dotted borders around widgets. This use the easiest way to create a dotted line view and provides developers with the ability to create dashed lines. It also supports creating a dashed border for a [Widget]. Support for controlling the thickness, spacing, and corners of the dotted border.

  1. To use this package, add fdottedline as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  2. Usage: Dotted Shape Demo

      color: Colors.lightBlue[600],
      height: 100.0,
      width: 50,
      strokeWidth: 2.0,
      dottedLength: 10.0,
      space: 2.0,

enter image description here

Solution 3:[3]

You can use dotted_border Flutter package

return DottedBorder(
   borderType: BorderType.RRect,
   radius: Radius.circular(20),
   dashPattern: [10, 10],
   color: Colors.grey,
   strokeWidth: 2,
   child: Card(
       color: Colors.amber,
       shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
       child: Center(child: Text("hi")),

dotted_border around card

Solution 4:[4]

There is an one plugin for draw dotted border around widgets


Using this plugin you can draw dotted or dashed border

//1. Install the plugin by add dependencies in pubspace.yaml
dotted_border: ^1.0.6

Add below code for show border

color: Colors.black,
strokeWidth: 1,
child: FlutterLogo(size: 148),

Solution 5:[5]

Currently, there is no support for a dashed border in Flutter, since there are only two styles:

Solid or None

To add a border to your widget you need to do the following:

  • Add a BoxDecoration property to your widget

  • Part of the properties of BoxDecoration is border

     decoration: BoxDecoration(
      border: Border.all(
         width: 1,
         style: BorderStyle.solid/none

I also found out this SO question which demonstrates how to add a circular dashed border.


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Community
Solution 2 Paresh Mangukiya
Solution 3 Mohammed Safvan
Solution 4
Solution 5 Michal Šrůtek