'How to create a Google Play Console developper account for our NGO? [closed]

We started a small NGO in Benin - non profit and fully registered with the government. We produce apps to help people to read their local language.

I have searched and Googled all over and cannot find where to sign up for a non-person account for the Play Console. (I have my own personal Console account, so I "can follow instructions fine".)

If I fill our NGO details into the normal form for humans, I get blocked because of not having a first name, being younger than 18 years etc.

We do not want special treatment, nor benefits (Benin as a country is not yet on the list for NGO sponsorship from Google.) and if we had to register as a "small business" or whatever, we would not mind. I just cannot find an entry page where to make contact or sign up.

Our first two apps are ready to go on the store for alpha-testing, so this is not a theoretical question. Thank you.

Solution 1:[1]

I had a phone call from a Google sales rep. He told me how this is done: Go to the "normal" sign-up window, which comes up, when you navigate to Play Console and rather than sign in, click on "more options" and "create new account".

In late 2017 it looks like this: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=androiddeveloper&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fapps%2Fpublish%2F%23

Now fill in all the details for you as a person (yes, your name, birthday etc.); this is supposedly not cheating but what Google wants. And do all the steps in the process.

Interesting detail: The credit card you are using does also not need to be in the name of your NGO, it could be your personal credit card (this worked for me), or maybe even a third-person who is willing to help out.

Once you have created this account and paid your fee, etc. you need to go to settings and fill every detail for your NGO, not your person: e-mail, phone, web page etc.

So it seems that there is no different type of Play Console account for non-profits and other organisations. This is now working for me. Maybe by this method Google is enforcing to have at least one human contact-person for each Console account.

I still do not like it, because it uses the NGO e-mail address in most places, but my name is still there in the system: What if I ever leave the NGO (I can invite several other admins) - how will they get my name out of that account while still keeping the apps available?

After you published your first app, you can also work on a so-called Developper Page, where you can upload the logo of your NGO and present yourselves a little. So indeed, it does then feel like an NGO account, it just needed little me to get it started.

Solution 2:[2]

The accepted answer is perfect.

I wish to add further for setting Merchant account with Business entity if we have created google account as 'Individual' ( like above ).

In 'individual' accounts, we can set 'Account Details' with company name, address, website and phone number as mentioned in the answer.

To connect it to Business payment account ( 'Merchant Account' option )

1) On Click to 'Setup a merchant account', we can see payment profile associated with 'Individual' account in a new popup dialog.

2) "Payments profile" has ( right side down arrow button to open more option ) "Create payment profile".

3) Clicking on it, will create new "Public merchants profile".

4) We can enter legal business data to it.

5) This newly created business payment profile can thus be set to Google Play Console - Account Details.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Martin Zaske
Solution 2 SHS