'How to create a new project and commit it in fortify ssc using REST API

I am trying to create a new project in fortify using REST api and so far I have been able to create the application and version,but I am not able to add attributes to it and commit it. Here is my code so far. Here is my script that I am using to commit.

import requests

headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'FortifyToken MmRjODVjZjctOWE2Zi00NGQxLWFkZTAtZmE2ZjUxZmZiYmU1',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',

"requests": [
"uri": "http://localhost:8080/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6491/attributes",
"httpVerb": "PUT",
"postData": [
"attributeDefinitionId": 1,
"values": [
"guid": "High"
"values": [
} ,
"values": [
"values": [



"uri": "http://localhost:8080/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6491?hideProgress=true",
"httpVerb": "PUT",
"postData": {
"committed": "true",
response = requests.post('localhost:8080/.../bulk', headers=headers, json=json_data)

the header that I provided works fine.

this is the error that I am getting.

{u'count': 2, u'successCount': 0, u'data': [{u'request': {u'uri': u'http://shortterm-2075.rg5.emdevinfrabom.oraclevcn.com:8080/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6491/attributes', u'postData': u'[{"attributeDefinitionId":1,"values":[{"guid":"High"}]},{"attributeDefinitionId":"5307","guid":"DevPhase","values":[{"guid":"Active"}]},{"attributeDefinitionId":"5319","guid":"Accessibility","values":[{"guid":"externalpublicnetwork"}]},{"attributeDefinitionId":"5312","guid":"DevStrategy","values":[{"guid":"Internal"}]}]', u'httpVerb': u'PUT'}, u'responses': [{u'body': {u'errorCode': -12300, u'message': u'Missing meta data definitions.', u'responseCode': 400}, u'headers': {}, u'requestUrl': u'http://localhost:8080/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6491/attributes'}]}, {u'request': {u'uri': u'shortterm-2075.rg5.emdevinfrabom.oraclevcn.com:8080/.../6491, u'postData': u'{"committed":"true"}', u'httpVerb': u'PUT'}, u'responses': [{u'body': {u'errorCode': -12301, u'message': u'A required application attribute definition is missing a value: Development Phase.', u'responseCode': 400}, u'headers': {}, u'requestUrl': u'http://localhost:8080/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6491?hideProgress=true'}]}], u'responseCode': 200}

this is the error while committing "A required application attribute definition is missing a value: Development Phase" and this one while posting to its attributes A required application attribute definition is missing a value: Development Phase.', u'responseCode': 400

I went through many community forums and could not find any related solution. Can someone please help me here.

Solution 1:[1]

I got the same error today as I purposely test which setting is necessary. You can try to call API separately instead of bulk update.

After I called https://{{YourSscUrl}}/v1/projectVersions and created the SSC version, I made another 2 API calls below:

  1. https://{{YourSscUrl}}/v1/projectVersions/{{YourNewCreatedProjectVersionID}}/attributes

  2. https://{{YourSscUrl}}/v1/projectVersions/{{YourNewCreatedProjectVersionID}}?hideProgress=true

Then I called following API as well, but it doesn't affect the error.


Solution 2:[2]

It is working for me with :



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Hamza Sharuf
Solution 2 Hardy Francois