Category "rest"

Fixing of Java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation found. at com.rapidclipse.framework.server.jpa.Jpa.getEntityManager(

I have a running RapidClipse X Project, in which I work with a MySQL Database. I created a class to copy data from one table into a second table. For this I use

I can't call PATCH method using Pug, Mongoose and Express.js

I am new to code and I apologize in advance for all my noob mistakes. I'm trying to set a new color to an existing object stored in MongoDB using the PATCH meth

Why Rest API response is giving question mark "?????" for the Arabic language in Azure Build Report

In Rest Assured Automation, Expectation is to validate Arabic text in Response. In local system, While hitting the API getting the Response in Arabic format. Bu


I've come to the conclusion that building a truly RESTful API, one the uses HATEOAS is next to impossible. Every content I've come across either fails to illust

How to set database dynamically based on client request in Laravel

I am using a Laravel Application as a backend and wish to set the database connection dynamically (and keep it until the page is refreshed) through an axios req

Strapi v4 REST API :GET image [closed]

please I am working with the new strapi v4 and... In the old versions of strapi all I needed to do in order to get the image from my collectio

What is the correct way of adding parameter to ignore case for search text in a REST API

I have an API endpoint to retrieve all users. There are 3 query parameters for searching/filtering the results as follows. GET /users?name=test&age=23&a

How to upload Multiple Images to rest API in Flutter?

I am trying to upload upload multiple images to Rest API in flutter. the code i have written is given below: final List<File> _image = []; Future<F

How can we add more than 3 authors field for a single magzine? in Django models

I created a magzine model in django. But their are more than three authors of a magzine. I have written below code for three authors. If I write the code of two

How to Update JSON value using Java

I have below json, i want to update each and every value of that json but sometimes only one value { "msgType": "NEW", "code": "205", "plid": "PLB52145", } I'

Sign error for bybit using c# when sending post request

I am trying to send a simple post request to the bybit api and I keep getting the 10004 sign error. Here is the response: {"ret_code":10004,"ret_msg":"error sig

Return to the list of a repository in Controller

I'm trying to return a list that is inside a Repository in my controller, but I'm not getting it. Could someone help me? This is a RESTapi for an ATM project th

Getting error while POST request with large payload

Facing this issue when I am passing a large(66kb) payload with a POST request. It works for a smaller payload. PS: I am using http in the request as suggested b

BOM Preamble in .NET Rest API causing Twilio Parse Error 12100

We have a .NET Rest API that is a web-hook for Twilio. It returns a TwilioResponse object. Suddenly, Twilio is reporting a Parse Error 12100 on the hook. We lo

Axios in React Native doesn't provide Form-Data headers

I'm trying to upload a file via Axios (Version ^0.26.0) in React Native (Version 0.66.4) with the following code: const formData = new FormData(); formData.appe

SEVERE: Servlet [Jersey Web Application] in web application [/restapp] threw load() exception

This is my REST API project. I don't know what this error is. I am trying resolve this error from two days now and i am exhausted now, anyone help me here web p

Docker container does not respond to http request

I'm trying to send an http request through axios, from my localhost (node server) to a docker container (which contains a simple server in node too) which belon

word add-in using OfficeJs

We already developed Excel add-in using officejs with RESTful api with Batching in custom Functions. And we wanted to achieve same in Word add-in hence kindly s

Issue with variable in REST API powershell

Background : The REST API request works correctly when I remove the variable $Description and put a string in line 11 . If I leave the variable then it doesn't

NestJS: Is it possible to call a third party API inside a guard?

I have create a guard to verify Okta tokens in my guard.However to verify there is another external api that needs to be called.Is it possible and advisable to