'How to debug a stack process being 'killed'?

I'm compiling a haskell file with

$ stack ghc --resolver lts-12.5 --package raw-strings-qq myscript.hs

and execute it with

$ ./myscript

on my Ubuntu machine. I get Killed as an error message and nothing else. How can I debug this? Does this mean the process takes up to much memory? Are there other possible sources of error?

Solution 1:[1]

The response you get from terminal as Killed is because you didn't give some commands:

  1. I use online IDE called Replit, so at the start it doesn't load needed libraries for you, you have to load manually:

     ghci -o main main.hs
  2. Sometimes, it automatically loads Main, sometimes it doesn't. So, if you don't see such thing like below, then you have to do it manually as well:

[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( main.hs, interpreted ) Ok, one module loaded. *Main>

   :l main

Maybe, it doesn't directly answer your question, but I got same exception like yours and dealt with it in that way. Well, same exception has the same problem (I guess)?


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Rahman