'How to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to find a simple solution on how to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField. I did come across a couple of question but no answer.

Solution 1:[1]

Create an empty toolbar:

object EmptyTextToolbar: TextToolbar {
    override val status: TextToolbarStatus = TextToolbarStatus.Hidden

    override fun hide() {  }

    override fun showMenu(
        rect: Rect,
        onCopyRequested: (() -> Unit)?,
        onPasteRequested: (() -> Unit)?,
        onCutRequested: (() -> Unit)?,
        onSelectAllRequested: (() -> Unit)?,
    ) {

Then you can provide it using LocalTextToolbar.

Most probably you also don't need text selection in this case, here's how you can disable it too:

var textValue by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }
    LocalTextToolbar provides EmptyTextToolbar
) {
        value = textValue,
        onValueChange = { newValue ->
            textValue = if (newValue.selection.length > 0) {
                newValue.copy(selection = textValue.selection)
            } else {

Solution 2:[2]

For now, you could just add a dummy Transparent Composable on TOP of the TextField and hook up it's click listener with the TextField's focusRequestor.

val tffr = remember { FocusRequestor() } // TextField Focus-Requestor


   value = value,
   onValueChange = { value = it }
   modifier = Modifier.focusRequestor(tffr).focusable()

  modifier = Modifier.clickable { tffr.requestFocus() }.alpha(0)


This way, when users try to click on the TextField, the tap would be intercepted by our dummy Composable, which would transfer the focus, effectively, to the TextField.

This means that they will technically be allowed to tap on the TextField and type in it, but the long press won't be registered by the field for them.

You could even add a Long-Click-Listener to the Surface using the combinedClick modifier, and display a toast to they users stating that the copy/paste actions are disabled, if that is something you'd require, that is.

Solution 3:[3]

Try this answer it's disable cut, copy in textfield

etSearchData.customSelectionActionModeCallback = object : ActionMode.Callback {
        override fun onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode?, menu: Menu?): Boolean {
            return false

        override fun onPrepareActionMode(mode: ActionMode?, menu: Menu?): Boolean {
            return false

        override fun onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode?, item: MenuItem?): Boolean {
            return false

        override fun onDestroyActionMode(mode: ActionMode?) {


where etSearchData is your textField ID


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Pylyp Dukhov
Solution 2 Richard Onslow Roper
Solution 3 Patel Dishant