'How to download alots of page by twenty-twenty

I have an app that download a books, where each book can contain a random pages. So I coded a logic using threading:

while pagenum < (int(Book["total_pages"])+1):
    tlist = []
    for a in range (20):
        if pagenum < (int(Book["total_pages"])+1):
            x = threading.Thread(target=ThreadDownloads, args=(queue, pagenum, destination))
            pagenum += 1
    for x in tlist:
    for x in tlist:

The ThreadDownloads functions is download a specified pages and it's working great, so the problem is this: it ran ThreadDownloads 20 times but it downloaded only a part of the pages:

  • pages between 1 and 7 but not those between 8 and 20
  • pages between 21 and 29 but not those between 30 and 40

I dont think my ThreadDownloads function is working correctly because before applying threading it was running fine.

Any help is appreciated.


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