'How to enable Cloudwatch logging for AWS API GW via Cloudformation template

I am trying to enable cloudwatch logs for AWS API Gateway via cloudformation template but it does not enables. I have tried setting up logginglevel to INFO in both Stage description and also Method settings. Any idea on what am I missing?

When I manually enable logging through UI, it works. Not working when I try to enable through cloudformation template as below -

Note: I am just using plain cloudformation template and I have already added role ARN that has permissions to API Gateway in my account to log cloudwatch

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment
    Description: API Deployment
    RestApiId: testApi
    StageName: 'dev'
      Description: Stage - DEV
      LoggingLevel: INFO
        - ResourcePath: "/testresource"
          HttpMethod: "POST"
          LoggingLevel: INFO

Solution 1:[1]

Please add MetricsEnabled property in StageDescription to enabled CloudWatch log at stage level. If you want to enable CloudWatch logs at the method level, add MetricsEnabled property in MethodSettigns. In the following example, I have enabled logs in both places.

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment
    Description: API Deployment
    RestApiId: testApi
    StageName: 'dev'
      Description: Stage - DEV
      LoggingLevel: INFO
      MetricsEnabled: True
        - ResourcePath: "/testresource"
          HttpMethod: "POST"
          LoggingLevel: INFO
          MetricsEnabled: True

Solution 2:[2]

Have you already configure API Gateway RestApi to write logs into CloudWatch as describe in AWS documentation : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/set-up-logging.html

Note that you must set permissions for CloudWatch logging.

Solution 3:[3]

UPDATE For APIGatewayV2 - Access Logs only (Execution logs aren't available for http).

The AWS documentation is pretty unclear. After some days of shotgun programming, I found this. Here is a Cloudformation with API Gateway v2 that worked for me:

    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
      LogGroupName: /aws/apigateway/nameOfLogGroupForCloudWatch
      RetentionInDays: 7
    Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage
      # Begin CloudWatch
        DestinationArn: !GetAtt MyLogGroup.Arn # This points to the log group above
        Format: '{ "requestId": "$context.requestId", "path": "$context.path", "routeKey": "$context.routeKey", "ip": "$context.identity.sourceIp", "requestTime": "$context.requestTime", "httpMethod": "$context.httpMethod","statusCode": $context.status }'


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Swanand Gajendragadkar
Solution 2 NicoM
Solution 3 josh hoegen