'How to get ALL product names and keywords from Aliexpress with API?

I want to get ALL product names and keywords from Aliexpress and put them into CSV file for example, is there any way to do that? I did not find any solution yet. Thank you

Solution 1:[1]

-- you can use python with and aliexpress api go and visite https://developers.aliexpress.com/en/doc.htm?docId=118193&docType=1 for more informations

this is my test code if it can help in someway

from topsdk.client import TopApiClient,TopException
from nested_lookup import nested_lookup #for dicts searchs
import pandas as pd
import json

def get_ali_product():
    # create Client
    client = TopApiClient(appkey='#####get yours', app_sercet='######## get yours', top_gateway_url='http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest',verify_ssl=False)
    request_dict = {
        'keywords': 'smart technology',
        'max_sale_price': '500',
        'min_sale_price': '70',
        'page_size': '2',
        'sort': 'SALE_PRICE_ESC' ,
    file_param_dict = {}
    #  ????????????
        response = client.execute("aliexpress.affiliate.product.query",request_dict,file_param_dict)
        json_object = json.dumps(response , indent = 2) 
        #return nested_lookup('product_detail_url', response)
    except TopException as e:



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Solution Source
Solution 1 abdellah nasser