'How to get/print the daily cap. of the app insights using azure powershell commands?
I tried the below commands but getting this error
https://aka.ms/cli_ref Read more about the command in reference docs
ERROR: argument --app/-a: expected one argument
Examples from AI knowledge base:
az monitor app-insights component billing show --app demoApp -g demoRg
Show the billing features of an application insights component
$sub=@(az account list --output tsv --query '[].[name]')
ForEach($item in $sub)
az account set --subscription $i
$a = az monitor app-insights component billing show --app $_.name -g $_.ResourceGroupName
$a | foreach {
az monitor app-insights component billing show --app $_.name -g $_.ResourceGroupName --output tsv --query '[dataVolumeCap.cap]'
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