'How to install dependencies of lambda functions upon cdk build with AWS CDK

When using AWS SAM I used to run build command which would go through all of my Lambda function packages and install their dependencies (run npm install on them).

How can I achieve the same behavior with AWS CDK? It doesn't seem to do it automatically, or am I missing something?

Solution 1:[1]

This functionality really is missing. You'll need to write your own packaging. Keep in mind that lambda dependencies must be built on a system with the same architecture as the target system in AWS (Linux) if any of the dependencies (such as Numpy) uses a shared library with native C code.

There's a Docker image available which aims to provide an environment as close to AWS as possible: lambci/lambda:build-python3.7

So if you're building on any non-Linux architecture, you might need this for some more complex lambda functions.

EDIT: I opensourced my Python code for lambda packaging: https://gitlab.com/josef.stach/aws-cdk-lambda-asset

Solution 2:[2]

You can do this pretty easily with a local build script like this:

    const websiteRedirectFunction = new lambda.Function(
        code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../redirect"), {
          bundling: {
            command: [
              "npm install && npm run build && cp -rT /asset-input/dist/ /asset-output/",
            image: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X.bundlingDockerImage,
            user: "root",
        handler: "index.redirect",
        tracing: lambda.Tracing.ACTIVE,
        runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,

Assuming you have a folder that you want to build and upload the handler and node_modules for Lambda.

From the docs:

When using lambda.Code.fromAsset(path) it is possible to bundle the code by running a command in a Docker container. The asset path will be mounted at /asset-input. The Docker container is responsible for putting content at /asset-output. The content at /asset-output will be zipped and used as Lambda code.

Solution 3:[3]

There is (currently experimental) module inside aws-cdk which solves the problem for Python.

See more here.

Solution 4:[4]

It does not do it automatically You'll need to package those. Then you'll be able to use fromAsset or fromBucket to get connect the code to the function

Solution 5:[5]

I created a separate project using SAM put all the requirements in requirements.txt alongside your app.py

then run sam build --build-dir packaged The packaged directory will have the packaged artifact with dependencies.

Then all that you have to do in your cdk is ` from aws_cdk import ( core, aws_lambda as lambda_)


    lambdaFn = lambda_.Function(
        self, "DocManAuth",

    core.CfnOutput(self, 'Authorizer Function',


for a complete project visit docman

Solution 6:[6]

For anyone using Python. (until aws-lambda-python lib is ready)

Install the function dependencies directly into the lambda function folder of your CDK project.

pip install --target ./ -r ./requirements.txt

Requirements text is just a list of dependencies:


Then run:

cdk deploy

Everything in the lambda function folder will be deployed:

  • Dependencies,
  • Function code,
  • Requirements.txt, etc.

Some more details here:



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 seanWLawrence
Solution 3 blahblah
Solution 4 khornberg
Solution 5 Gaurav Jagavkar
Solution 6 comfytoday