'How to load a rest store with ID in Sencha Touch 2.4.2?

Here within a controller I create a rest store:

this.somePerson = Ext.create('Ilhan.store.Human', {
    model: 'Ilhan.model.Human',
    autoLoad: false

But it doesn't load the person with id 123 even though I have set idProperty in the model. It loadds all the humans.

This one loads can retrieve the human with ID 123.

Ext.ModelManager.getModel('Ilhan.model.Human').load(record.data.ID, {
    success: function(recordd) {
        someHuman = recordd;

It gets the human with ID 123 but then someHuman is not a store. Thus someHuman.sync() doesn't work, it says that sync() is not defined. Or if I use someHuman.save() it PUTs all the data to the server.

Solution 1:[1]

You must look at findBy.

example (not tested):

var indexOfHuman123 = this.somePerson.findBy( function(recordTest){
    if( recordTest.get('id') == 123 )
        return true;

    return false;
var modelOfHuman123;
if( indexOfHuman123 != -1 )
    modelOfHuman123 = this.somePerson.getAt(indexOfHuman123);


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 badboyunited