'How to modify PdfPCell so that you can remove a part of a border (e.g BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT)?

Here an example of my code:

PdfPCell row6cell_1 = new PdfPCell(row6Par_1);            

I want to modify the border of the cell so that the RIGHT border line of the cell will not appear. Anyone can help me with this? Thank you.

Solution 1:[1]

You can try this: This is for removing the bottom border only.

Cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("001"));
Cell.setBorder(Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.RIGHT | Rectangle.LEFT);

Solution 2:[2]

cell.DisableBorderSide(1);//(1-Top,2-Bottom,3-left and 4-Right border) Enjoy it for removing part of cell's border..

Solution 3:[3]

Pappoo Singh answer is good but for me works: cell.DisableBorderSide(x) where x can be:

x - 1 //top

x - 2 //bottom

x - 4 //left

x - 8 //right


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Pappoo Singh
Solution 3 Hakens