'How to open file in another directory in java?

How to open a file that is not present in the current directory but in another directory. For example, I have a folder F:/test and my file is in F:/test/test2/doit.txt and D:/test3/doit2.txt

What to enter in path in parameter while making File object as follows :

File f = new File("/test2/doit.txt");

Solution 1:[1]

Irrespective of which operating system, a file for example, demo.txt can be accessed like

File file = new File("/d:/user/demo.txt");

in Windows where the file is at D:\user\ and

File file = new File("/usr/demo.txt");

in *nix or *nuxwhere the file is at /usr/

Also, a file if wanted to be accessed relatively can be done as (considering the Windows example) :

Suppose I am in the songs directory in D: like:

|   |
|   |---Main.java

and the code is inside Main.java, then the following code works.

File file = new File("../user/demo.txt");

Solution 2:[2]

Assuming that you are running your program from F:/test you should use something like:

File f = new File("./test2/doit.txt");

Using hardcoded absolute paths isn't a good idea - your program might not work when user has different directory structure.

Solution 3:[3]

Please try the code below on Windows OS:

reader = new FileReader ("C:/Users/user/Desktop/java/test.txt"); 


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 TechSpellBound
Solution 2
Solution 3 kshetline