'How to open iframe link in new tab or window

I am using some iframe tags in my html page as shown below:

   <TABLE border="0" width="900">
    <tr valign="top">
    <td width="300" ALIGN=center>
                  <iframe src='http://www.apple.com/in/'  frameborder = 0, height=250, width = 300  > </iframe><br>


    <td width="300" ALIGN=center>
            <div class="item_list">
            <iframe src = 'http://www.flipkart.com/affiliate/displayWidget?affrid=WRID-137232779171598318'  frameborder = 0, height=250, width = 300 base target="_blank"  > </iframe></a><br>
      <td width="300" ALIGN=center>
            <div class="item_list">
            <iframe src = 'http://www.flipkart.com/affiliate/displayWidget?affrid=WRID-  137232785207215857' frameborder = 0, height=250, width = 300 > </iframe>

Now what i need , is to open the link which is inside in iframe to new tab or window. I have used below script regarding this, but no luck.

   <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

   function goNewWin() {

    //***Get what is below onto one line***


   //***Get what is above onto one line*** 




can anyone suggest me any solution for this?

Solution 1:[1]

I think you're trying to just open a new page in a new tab. If so, here is the code you need:

<a href="WebAdress.netdom" target="_blank"><button>Open New Tab</button></a>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Nathaniel Ford