'How to play local video in shiny app?(Windows)

I tried the follow code:

    tags$video(id="video2", type = "video/mp4",src = "sample.mp4", controls = "controls")
shinyServer(function(input, output, session){})

But, it returns a blank page,

enter image description here

How should I do to play the video?

Solution 1:[1]

For me it's working. Have you put your video in the www folder?

Also, have a look at this question, it's quite similar: Embed Video with Live Controls into Interactive Shiny Environment

Solution 2:[2]

For anyone late to this question - it won't play in RStudio's 'Run App' environment - launch your app to the browser and it seems to work fine.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Thomas
Solution 2 Duke Showbiz