'How to read all the rows of the excel sheet and run in Selenium test script using C#?
I need help reading all the rows from excel sheet as a test data in my selenium test case.
I can read only one row of an excel sheet with the following code.
//set up test for selenium
public void SetupTest()
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*googlechrome", "http://www.google.com/");
verificationErrors = new StringBuilder();
//Connects me to my excel sheet which is SampleTestData.xls
public void ConnectExcel()
excel.Application excelApp = new excel.Application();
excelApp.Visible = true;
string ExcelDataPath = @"C:\SampleTestData.xls";
excel.Workbook excelWorkBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelDataPath, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false);
excel.Sheets excelSheets = excelWorkBook.Worksheets;
excel.Worksheet DataworkSheet = (excel.Worksheet)excelSheets.get_Item("Sheet1");
System.String Search1 = ((excel.Range)DataworkSheet.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing)).Value2 as string;
//selenium code to run the test
public void StartTest()
selenium.Type("gbqfif", search1);
This code lets me select only one row that contains value of search1. However, I need to iterate it such a way that it will keep running StartTest() method until all the rows(50) in the excel sheet are entered.
Any help would be appreciated.
Solution 1:[1]
This answer may or may not help you but I am going to take a chance and post 2 samples of code that you can use..
Example #1
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace WindowsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Excel.Application xlApp ;
Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook ;
Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet ;
Excel.Range range ;
string str;
int rCnt = 0;
int cCnt = 0;
xlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("csharp.net-informations.xls", 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);
xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
range = xlWorkSheet.UsedRange;
for (rCnt = 1; rCnt <= range.Rows.Count; rCnt++)
for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= range.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
str = (string)(range.Cells[rCnt, cCnt] as Excel.Range).Value2 ;
xlWorkBook.Close(true, null, null);
private void releaseObject(object obj)
obj = null;
catch (Exception ex)
obj = null;
MessageBox.Show("Unable to release the Object " + ex.ToString());
Example #2
FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
//1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
//2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
//3. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
//4. DataSet - Create column names from first row
excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
//5. Data Reader methods
while (excelReader.Read())
//6. Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable)
Example #3
using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(inputFilenames[0], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
IExcelDataReader excelReader;
if (Path.GetExtension(inputFilenames[0]) == ".xls")
excelReader = Factory.CreateReader(fileStream, ExcelFileType.Binary);
excelReader = Factory.CreateReader(fileStream, ExcelFileType.OpenXml);
while (excelReader.Name != this.Worksheet)
while (excelReader.Read())
if (FirstRowHasColumnNames)
FirstRowHasColumnNames = false;
//do stuff
var test = GetColumnData(excelReader, 1);
you can look at this link as well Reading from Excel File
Solution 2:[2]
Try this:-
//Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
// DataSet - Create column names from first row
excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
while (excelReader.Read())
{ // Reading from row and get columns by index
var test = excelReader.GetString(1);
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 | Ghanendra |