'How to solve insufficient allawance issue when calling transferFrom? web3.js
I'm struggling with the trasferFrom method of my standad ERC20 contract. I'm working with web3.js and INFURA I have wallet1 with 50 token allowance, now if I call my function I've always same error "ERC20: insufficient allowance". This is my code
let data = await contract.methods.transferFrom(from, to, qta).encodeABI();
let nGas = web3.utils.toHex(100000);
let txObj = {
"gas": nGas,
"value": 0x0,
"data": data,
"from": wallet1
await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(txObj, PRIVATE_KEY, function(err, signedTx) {
if (err)
document.getElementById("ret").innerText = err;
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction, function(err, res) {
if (err)
document.getElementById("ret").innerText = err;
document.getElementById("ret").innerHTML = "<a href=\"https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/" + res + "\" target=\"_blank\">etherscan</a>";
I've tried with
await contratto.methods.transferFrom(from, to, qta).call({ from: wallet });
it doesn't work. Also with .send instead of .call...same result...doesn't work Anyone has any suggestion? Thanks
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