'How to work on random pop ups in cypress?

I have an application, where feedback pop up comes in a page randomly; like pop up may or may not come in the page after loading it for nearly 3000ms. How to handle this pop up in cypress.

I tried below code:

        cy.get("div.QSIFeedbackButton").then(($body)=> {

        if($body.find('.QSIWebResponsiveDialog-Layout1-SI_0rEzRx2V9yqm1Yq_close-btn > img')){

          cy.get('.QSIWebResponsiveDialog-Layout1-SI_0rEzRx2V9yqm1Yq_content').contains('Help us improve our portal!')        
          cy.get('.QSIWebResponsiveDialog-Layout1-SI_0rEzRx2V9yqm1Yq_close-btn > img').click()

          else {
            cy.log('feed back pop up not found')

But this one always fails in IF block, when the pop up doesn't appear. I want to run the test gracefully, so that even if the pop up doesn't appear test should not fail & it should go to the else block. How can i do this in my test?

Solution 1:[1]

If the popup disappears after some time, use this:

cy.get('random popup id').should('not.exist')

works great, because it checks if that popup exist in the DOM tree, even better if you can add testid to the popup


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Bogdan Pehlivanov