'Implementing OpenID with Apache Superset. AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'is_active'

I am trying to implement OpenID in Apache Superset. I am using Broadcom CA-SSO as my provider. I found a similar post in Stack Overflow where someone implemented with Keycloak (Using KeyCloak(OpenID Connect) with Apache SuperSet) I found the post helpful in my implementation. I have followed the similar approach.

I have been able to authenticate my user with CA-SSO. However, when the browser reaches the callback route, superset is throwing the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 2464, 
in __call__
return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 2450, 
in wsgi_app
response = self.handle_exception(e)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1867, 
in handle_exception
reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/_compat.py", line 
39, in reraise
raise value
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 2447, 
in wsgi_app
response = self.full_dispatch_request()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1952, 
in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1821, 
in handle_user_exception
reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/_compat.py", line 
39, in reraise
raise value
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1950, 
in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.dispatch_request()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1936, 
in dispatch_request
return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
File "/app/superset/custom_security.py", line 34, in login
return handle_login()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask_oidc/__init__.py", 
line 487, in decorated
return view_func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/app/superset/custom_security.py", line 31, in handle_login
login_user(user, remember=False)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask_login/utils.py", 
line 158, in login_user
if not force and not user.is_active:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'is_active'

Here is my implementation:


    "web": {
        "issuer": "https://<SSO DOMAIN>",
        "auth_uri": "https://<SSO DOMAIN>/authorize",
        "client_id": "<CLIENT ID>",
        "client_secret": "<CLIENT SECRET>",
        "redirect_uris": [
            "https://<YOUR DOMAIN>/oidc_callback"
        "userinfo_uri": "https://<SSO DOMAIN>/userinfo",
        "token_uri": "https://<SSO DOMAIN>/token",
        "token_introspection_uri": "https://<SSO DOMAIN>/introspect"


from flask import redirect, request
from flask_appbuilder.security.manager import AUTH_OID
from superset.security import SupersetSecurityManager
from flask_oidc import OpenIDConnect
from flask_appbuilder.security.views import AuthOIDView
from flask_login import login_user
from urllib.parse import quote
from flask_appbuilder.views import ModelView, SimpleFormView, expose
import logging

class AuthOIDCView(AuthOIDView):

    @expose('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def login(self, flag=True):
        sm = self.appbuilder.sm
        oidc = sm.oid

        def handle_login(): 
            user = sm.auth_user_oid(oidc.user_getfield('email'))

            if user is None:
                info = oidc.user_getinfo(['preferred_username', 'given_name', 'family_name', 'email'])
                user = sm.add_user(info.get('preferred_username'), info.get('given_name'), info.get('family_name'), info.get('email'), sm.find_role('Gamma')) 

            login_user(user, remember=False)
            return redirect(self.appbuilder.get_url_for_index)  

        return handle_login()  

    @expose('/logout/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def logout(self):

        oidc = self.appbuilder.sm.oid

        super(AuthOIDCView, self).logout()        
        redirect_url = request.url_root.strip('/') + self.appbuilder.get_url_for_login

        return redirect(oidc.client_secrets.get('issuer') + '/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=' + quote(redirect_url))

class OIDCSecurityManager(SupersetSecurityManager):
    authoidview = AuthOIDCView
    def __init__(self,appbuilder):
        super(OIDCSecurityManager, self).__init__(appbuilder)
        if self.auth_type == AUTH_OID:
            self.oid = OpenIDConnect(self.appbuilder.get_app)

In superset/config.py

from security import OIDCSecurityManager
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS = <path_to_configuration_file>
OVERWRITE_REDIRECT_URI = 'https://<YOUR DOMAIN>/oidc_callback'

I am using flask-oidc. I am using the default callback /oidc_callback. When superset is redirected to /authorize endpoint, the redirect_uri was not picked up correctly. It was picking up localhost rather than the domain name, hence I had to use OVERWRITE_REDIRECT_URI flag. It seemed to have fixed that.

Also, I am using Nginx reverse-proxy

Also one weird thing that I noticed. I decoded the state query parameter from the /authorize Url. It is an object with key csrf_token and destination. I then decoded the destination. It contains the algorithm value and my login route. However, the login URL had localhost ( rather then https://<YOUR DOMAIN>/login. Is this correct?

I am using superset docker to run the app. I'm new to python-flask.


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Source: Stack Overflow

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