'Installing new Scala SDK 3.x.x on IntelliJ

I need to run Scala 3.x.x from IntelliJ. This is how I am trying to install it:

Click File > Project Structure...

enter image description here

Click on the "+" button (New Project Library):

enter image description here

Click "Scala SDK":

enter image description here

A new window pops-up showing a list of Scala SDK versions to choose from:

enter image description here

Scala 3.x.x is not listed for me. Even when I click the "Download..." button, I only see versions from 2.10.0 to 2.13.8:

enter image description here

How can I find Scala SDK 3.x.x?


I see this question posted at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-19125#:~:text=Go%20to%20project%20structure,of%20scala%20sdks%20after%20downloading, but no answer.


I have IntelliJ IDEA Community 2020.2:

enter image description here


I checked for updates:

enter image description here

I clicked "Update and Restart":

enter image description here

In the "IDE and Plugin Updates" window, I clicked "Update and Restart":

enter image description here

Something was being downloaded:

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After restarting IntelliJ, updates took place:

enter image description here

Finally I have a newer version of IntelliJ IDEA installer:

enter image description here

I still only see versions 2.x.x available, even now that I have IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.3 (Community Edition) Build #IC-213.7172.25, built on March 15, 2022:

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

Works with latest IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.1 (Ultimate Edition) and should work as well with latest Community Edition. Scala 3 Global lib


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 earthling paul