'Is it possible to prioritize (give a priority) to specific Akka's Actor?

I've made my research about Akka Framework, And I would like to know ; Is it possible to give a priority to a specific actor? I mean - actors are working while getting a "let" message from the queue, Is there an option to let an actor work even when it's not his turn yet to work?

Solution 1:[1]

Effectively, yes.

One of the parts of your Actor configuration is which Dispatcher those actors will use. A dispatcher is what connects the actor to the actual threads that will execute the work. (Dispatchers default to ForkJoinPools, but can also be dedicated thread pools or even threads dedicated to a specific actor.)

So the typical way you give an Actor "priority" is to give it a dedicated dispatcher, and thereby dedicated threads. For example, Akka itself does this for its internal messages: they run on a dedicated dispatcher so that even you deploy a bunch of poorly written actors that block the threads, Akka itself can still function.

I put "priority" in quotes, because you aren't guaranteeing a specific order of processing. (There are other ways to do that, but not across Actors.) But you are solving the case where you want specific actors to always have a greater access to resources and/or specific actors to get executed promptly.

(In theory, you could take this even further and create a ThreadPoolExecutor with higher priority threads, and then create a Dispatcher based on that ThreadPoolExecutor. That would truly give OS-level priority to an Actor, but that would only be likely relevant in very unusual circumstances.)


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Solution 1