'JavaScript onclick event handlers not functioning properly

For some reason, my onclick JavaScript event handlers are not functioning properly.

Here is my markup, script and style:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Quadratic Root Finder</title>

document.ready = function() {
        var inputa = document.getElementById('variablea').value;
        var inputb = document.getElementById('variableb').value;
        var inputc = document.getElementById('variablec').value;
        root = Math.pow(inputb,2) - 4 * inputa * inputc;
        root1 = (-inputb + Math.sqrt(root))/2*inputa
        root2 = (-inputb + Math.sqrt(root))/2*inputa 
        document.getElementById('root1').value = root1;
        document.getElementById('root2').value = root2;
            alert('This equation has no real solution.')
        else {
                document.getElementById('root1').value = root1
                document.getElementById('root2').value = 'No Second Answer'
            else {
                document.getElementById('root1').value = root1
                document.getElementById('root2').value = root1

    text-align: center;


<div id="container">
<h1>Quadratic Root Finder!</h1>
<form id="form1">
    a:<input id="variablea" value="" type="text">
    b:<input id="variableb" value="" type="text">
    <br />
    c:<input id="variablec" value="" type="text">
    <br />
    <input id="calculate" value="Calculate!" type="button">
    <input id="erase" value="Clear" type="button">
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <input id="root1" type="text" readonly>
    <br />
    <input id="root2" type="text" readonly>

Is there an explainable reason?

Solution 1:[1]

There's not really a "ready" event like that. If you want to do things at what's commonly thought of as the "ready" point, you'll need to use a framework. Otherwise, you can use "onload" instead of "ready".

If, for example, you were using jQuery, you'd do this:

$(function() {
    var inputa = document.getElementById('variablea').value;
    var inputb = document.getElementById('variableb').value;
    var inputc = document.getElementById('variablec').value;
    // etc ...

Without that, you'd do:

window.onload = function() {
  // all your stuff


 ... .onclick.calculateQuad() {

makes no sense at all.

Solution 2:[2]

This is wrong
It must be
document.getElementById('calculate').onClick = function ()

And this is wrong too
document.getElementById('erase').onClick = function(){document.getElementById('form1').reset();}

Solution 3:[3]


I think you want to turn this into:

.onclick = function () { document.getElementById('form1').reset(); }

Solution 4:[4]

if you can use Jquery

$(document).ready(function() { $("#variablea").click(function(element) { ///....operation }); });

you can use $(" input").click(function(element){}) operate all of input elements


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Pointy
Solution 2
Solution 3 Explosion Pills
Solution 4 Clover