'JavaScript template engine - extract placeholder name from template

Is there any JavaScript template engine which lets you extract placeholder names? For example:

const template = 'Hi {{ name }}!';
const compiledTemplate = SomeTemplateEngine.compile(template);

console.log(compiledTemplate.extractPlaceholders()); // ['name']

Solution 1:[1]

I wrote a template engine called olojs that may do what you need.


npm install @onlabsorg/olojs


const olojs = require('@onlabsorg/olojs');
// or require('@onlabsorg/olojs/browser') if you want to use it in the browser

const evaluate = olojs.document.parse("My name is <% name: 'Marcello' %>!");
const context = olojs.document.createContext({/* preset variables here */});
const {text, data} = await evaluate(context);
// data: {name: 'Marcello'}
// text: "My name is Marcello!"


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Marcello Del Buono