Category "templates"

Variadic template packed argument to std::vector

I'm new to templates and I don't really undestand why this doesn't work. I expected the vector to be constructed with those values. main.cpp template <typ

Is there a way to have a vue component whose template only contains the text of a property?

Is there a way to have a vue component which has a template area that only contains plain text? The problem I face with the current solution (using a div to wra

Visual Studio 2019 Project Export Template change Output Location

I am trying to do an export of my project template, and the output location is outdated and greyed out. I can't save to this folder. I have gone in to Tools/O

Passing and Returning a 2D array of unknown size in C++

I want to pass and return a 2D array of unknown size but I donot know how to do it. I know how to only return array of unknown size only (array of pointers). I

Integracion de HTML sin templateId

Good evening, I want to send my own html, not created in sendgrid by email, but I can't find a way to integrate it that is my code and this is the html templat

Why std::string relational operator comparison result is different for a template and a function?

In the following code, both the template and the function compare two strings and return which one is bigger. However, despite the same code (definition body),

Vue3 TypeError: template ref.value is null

how can I clean my console from the following error: TypeError: ref.value is null The error comes only with a resize event. Each time I resize the window, I re

Compiler discrepencies in deduction of template parameter of nested alias template

Consider the following code snippet where we we're trying to deduce the template parameter to the function foobar(): struct Bar { static constexpr auto size =

Overloading the pointer-to-member function operator. Attempting to resolving the const overloaded version isn't compiling

I'm currently doing practicing on the ->* operator with the intent to write a smart pointer. I've done the basics on how it works. For this example I want to

Docusign Template is no merging with APEX code

I send in the opportunity id into mySourceId into the routine and run through what should be the standard Docusign APEX API routines. We have a button that com

Helm range yaml template kafka topics

I am new to helm and I am trying to generate different topics for kafka with a range function to not have a yaml file for each topic: I have different topics (t

How to use django-jalali calendar in tempates?

Im new to Django and im trying to use django in a Persian app, therefore I need users pick i a date(jalali date) and send it to server. I've used django-jalali

C++ friend template function: Function definition not found

While trying to wrap my head around C++ templates I have run into a compiler warning I do not understand. In below vec.h Visual Studio 2019 will put a green squ

Compilation error - defining a concrete implementation of templated abstract class [duplicate]

I have an abstract class in my header file: template <class T> class IRepository { public: virtual bool SaveData(Result&

Res.user attribute object loading page Odoo

A mate tried to install some web templates for the backend and got a 503 HTTP error "Service Unavailable" on the browser. I saw the modules and deleted from ir_

Template arguments can't be deduced for shared_ptr of class derived from templated base

I'm running into a case where I thought that the compiler would obviously be able to do template argument deduction, but apparently can't. I'd like to know why

Private compile-time -> run-time adapter. Strange compilation error

Basically, this code fails with a very strange error: <source>:75:29: error: cannot convert 'get_view<main()::<unnamed struct>, run_time::data_vi

Cannot find governing FrameworkElement, Yet it works like intended (WPF)

I have a binding that gives me an error, yet everything works exactly like it should. I have a Custom Control with it's style/template in "Generic.xaml", in the

Handling custom vector classes

I have come across many occasions where I want to have an item which is selected inside a vector, for this I have written the template class: // a vector wrappe

Private Object Field in Django Admin

I'm wondering what the best way to have an editable field (by admins) for some object in Django admin that can't be viewable on the public site. For example, a