'KendoReact TabStrip has missing wrapper div

I'm trying to get a vertical TabStrip setup in my React app.

Test render currently looks like this:

public render() {
        return (
                    <TabStripTab title="T" />
                    <TabStripTab title="T" />

Instead of this showing a vertical TabStrip, it's showing as horizontal.

When I look at chrome DevTools, I can see a difference in my app and the demo app at https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/layout/tabstrip/tabs/

I seem to be missing a div <div class="k-tabstrip-items-wrapper k-vstack"> which should come below the initial TabStrip div. If I manually add this div into the chrome DevTools, the TabStrip is vertical, as expected.

I've tried adding a div to the TabStrip in React, but it returns an error

"Warning: TabStripTab(...): No render method found on the returned component instance: you may have forgotten to define render."

Any ideas?


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