'Why kendo dialog is not generating on click event while we use change detection strategy in nx based angular project?

I am using kendo dialog in nx-based angular application with "ChangeDetectionStrategy" to add employee details.

In the dashboard component I have first kendo dialog which contains kendo multicombobox. From that I can search for employee and if employee is not there I can add employee by clicking the ADD EMPLOYEE button which is in the footer. That footer button will give us another kendo dialog which is the part of employee component, where we can add details of new employee.

What I expected is while clicking on ADD EMPLOYEE the second dialog from employee component should be opened.

But this behavior is not working. I have solved it by manually triggering the ChangeDetectorRef. I am looking for the exact reason why change detection didn't occur on the click event of ADD EMPLOYEE. Along with this concern I am attaching my GitHub repo link also.

Code can be accessed from this link https://github.com/AleenaJoice/Change-detection-.git


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