'Laravel 8 http testing error Failed asserting that two strings are equal

I want to test the endpoint Sign Up (you can consider signup as registration), and at the same time I want to return the response object and redirect the user to sign in endpoint, but when I run the test it gives this error.

  • Tests\Unit\ProjectTest > http
  Failed asserting that two strings are equal.

  at C:\xampp\htdocs\test\tests\Unit\ProjectTest.php:49
     45▕             'Select'=>'Software Engneering',
     46▕             'username'=>'username',
     47▕             'email'=>'email@email'
     48▕         ]);
  ➜  49▕         $response->assertRedirect('/signin');
     50▕     }

  1   C:\xampp\htdocs\test\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\phpunit:92
  --- Expected
  +++ Actual
  @@ @@

  Tests:  1 failed
  Time:   0.19s

And this is the code for the test

public function test_http(){
        $response = $this->post('/SignUp',[
            'Select'=>'Software Engneering',

I looked for a solution but none of them helped me.


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