'Making HTTPS requests from ESP32

I am making a post request from my ESP32 S2 Kaluga kit. I have tested the HTTP request while running a server program in my LAN. I am using esp_http_client_handle_t and esp_http_client_config_t from esp_http_client.h to do this.

Now, I have a HTTPS api setup in AWS API gateway. I get following error with https now:

E (148961) esp-tls-mbedtls: No server verification option set in esp_tls_cfg_t structure. Check esp_tls API reference
E (148961) esp-tls-mbedtls: Failed to set client configurations, returned [0x8017] (ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_SETUP_FAILED)
E (148971) esp-tls: create_ssl_handle failed
E (148981) esp-tls: Failed to open new connection
E (148981) TRANSPORT_BASE: Failed to open a new connection
E (148991) HTTP_CLIENT: Connection failed, sock < 0

How can I solve this? Thank you

Edit: Following is the code I use I create a http client for post request:

esp_err_t client_event_get_handler(esp_http_client_event_handle_t evt)
    switch (evt->event_id)
        printf("HTTP GET EVENT DATA: %s", (char *)evt->data);
    return ESP_OK;

static void post_rest_function( char *payload , int len)
    esp_http_client_config_t config_post = {
        .url = SERVER_URL,
        .method = HTTP_METHOD_POST,
        .event_handler = client_event_get_handler,
        .auth_type = HTTP_AUTH_TYPE_NONE,
        .transport_type = HTTP_TRANSPORT_OVER_TCP

    esp_http_client_handle_t client = esp_http_client_init(&config_post);
    esp_http_client_set_post_field(client, payload, len);
    esp_http_client_set_header(client, "Content-Type", "image/jpeg");


and I use it in main with an image payload:

void app_main(){
post_rest_function( (char *)pic->buf, pic->len);

Solution 1:[1]

You need certificate to make https requests. In case you dont want to implement this, just edit your sdkconfig "Allow potentially insecure options" -> true

"Skip server certificate verification by default" -> true

Careful, this is unsafe.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 lurker