Category "esp-idf"

Difference between printf and ESP_LOGI?

I just want to know, what is the difference between esp's ESP_LOGx and printf, related to memory use and its other features. And which is the best to use for lo

facing an issue while executing ethernet example given in espressif IDF release/v4.2

problem: I have used espressif esp32s ethernet example trying to build basic and build is successfuly generated now while executing it is throwing error as giv

Unable to compile ESP-IDF example project

I'm trying to compile my first ESP32 example project. I set up Visual Studio Code with all the latest tools. (Python, toolschain, etc). I'm not sure what exactl

ESP32 AWS IoT transportStatus=-1

I'm following the espressif docs for connecting a ESP32 to AWS IoT shadow. I'm using the example for shadow mqtt synchronisatio