'making textinput widget on the basis of items in list in a popup and reading the text in in it using kivy framework-

   def get_credential_fields_for_popup_success(self, urlrequest, data):
        # print(data)
        # print(data['fields'])
        s = list(data['fields'].values())
        # print(s)
        r = list(s[0].values())
        # print(r)
        c = list(r[0].values())
        # print(c)
        list_of_widget = []
        for i in c[0]:
            s = list(i.values())
        real_list = []
        for i in list_of_widget:
            # print(i[0])

        self.widgets = real_list
        # print(real_list)

    def OpenPopupWindow(self):
        self.layout = GridLayout(rows=len(self.widgets) + 1)
        #count = 0
        for i in range(0, len(self.widgets)):
            self.arr = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
            name = self.arr[i]
            name= ObjectProperty(None)
            if i == 0 :
                self.label = MDLabel(text = self.widgets[i])
                self.name = TextInput(text="", multiline=False, hint_text=self.widgets[i])
            else  :
                self.label = MDLabel(text= self.widgets[i])
                self.name = TextInput(text="", multiline=False, hint_text=self.widgets[i],password= True)
        #for i in range(0, len(self.widgets)):
        #    layout.add_widget()
        self.button = Button(text="Close", size_hint=(0.2, 0.2), pos_hint={'center_x': 0.2, 'center_y': 0.2})
        self.button.bind(on_press= self.cred_save)
        self.popup = Popup(title="test Popup", content=self.layout, size_hint=(None, None), size=(300, 400),
                           background="atlas://images/my_popup/white (2) (1)",

    def cred_save(self,obj):
            #print('name'+se    lf.layout.two.text)
        user_id = self.zero.text
        password = self.one.text
        pin = self.two.text

        client_id = self.zero.text

Here , I am getting a list whose length will determine the textinput field in the popup on trigerring the OpenPopupWindow, in this function i made a popup. Inside it , made gridlayout nd binded input fields , and i have tried everything to get the text written in input fileds after pressing the button but i am not able to get the text written in other function which i have called on_press the button widget in popup.


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