'MongoEngine raw query not solved

Mongo engine cannot execute a raw query

{"_id": ObjectId("1"),"car._id": ObjectId("2")}, 
                {"car.$.toys": {"_id": ObjectId("3")}}

The error is :

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

Solution 1:[1]

.objects() is used only for querying, not updating. Thus, __raw__ only let you force the filter part of the query, not the update part.

The way you need to do that with mongoengine:

find_qry = {"_id": ObjectId("1"),"car._id": ObjectId("2")}
update_qry = {"$pull": {"car.$.toys": {"_id": ObjectId("3")}}}

Alternatively, note that you can always reach the underlying pymongo collection

coll = AppDocument._get_collection()
coll.update(find_qry, update_query)

Solution 2:[2]

You have to remove '{ }' extras

{"_id": ObjectId("1"),"car._id": ObjectId("2")}, 
                {"car.$.toys": {"_id": ObjectId("3")}}


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 bagerard
Solution 2 ilkerv