'My Unity project contains empty compiler errors that stop me from entering play mode. How do I resolve them?

I'm working on a project with a friend, we are using git for version control. They created the unity project and I pulled it to my computer as well. Every time I open the project, I have 2 blank compiler errors. I cannot click on them to open VS because they seemingly do not exist. I can confirm as well we are using the same unity version (2019.2.15f1) both on Windows machines (mine is Win10)

Here is a list of things I have tried as suggested by other forums and my teammate:

  1. Deleting and recreating library folder (results varied from no effect to unity no longer launching)
  2. Creating a new directory and launching a fresh version (worked correctly on their system, not mine)
  3. Reinstalling Unity
  4. Triple checking that my version is up to date
  5. Reinstalling Unity and Visual Studio
  6. Changing the scripting framework (suggestion was to downgrade from 4 to 3.5, we were already on 2 for some reason)

Edit: Here's a picture of the errors

Edit 2: Attempted to open new project in older version of unity, the following error appeared

Edit 3: Upgraded to Unity v 2020.1.0a14
Edit 4: Never mind, now it's not even letting me open the project anymore. Complete with a cool fun new error. Edit 5: It just... started working. I reinstalled unity again and it just decided to work.

Solution 1:[1]

It seems that your project use some packages that aren't installed in your project.

Try to re import the packages mentioned in this image: enter image description here


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Solution Source
Solution 1 shahar