'Newbie- API to get Ethereum's latest blocks

I am looking for an ethereum api to get the N latest blocks. I will use javascript (react) to make the requests.

I have looked into https://etherscan.io/apis#blocks but it has nothing to do with what I need (at least what I see there).

Also https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC seems complicated to use as I will have CORS issues (?). And I don't see what I need there either

Thank you

Solution 1:[1]

I believe this might be something you're looking for?

This returns latest-n blocks of the ethereum network. It's currently limited to 100 blocks.

Solution 2:[2]

With Amberdata.io it's really easy you just:

curl -X GET \
  'https://web3api.io/api/v2/blocks?size=10' \
  -H 'x-api-key: '

And it will give you the last 10 blocks. You can try it out here.

Solution 3:[3]

You can use this one from The Graph and change first 10 to value of N.

API Endpoint: https://gateway.thegraph.com/api/[api-key]/subgraphs/id/4oZC8eETdHshzyMySbvaXmH8p44E6wCbEYsKaFuijhRK

query last10Blocks { blocks(first: 10, orderBy: BlockNum, orderDirection: desc) { BlockNum } }


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Qkyrie
Solution 2 foba
Solution 3 kraphty23