'Only works with the CeleryExecutor

I am new at airflow and when i click run 'ignore all dependence' on Task Instance Context Menu like this:

Task Instance Context Menu

It leads to 'Only works with the CeleryExecutor'

I try to Refresh the Web UI but it doesn't work.

(I use LocalExecutor and don't want to use CeleryExecutor)

Why it happened and how can i run a single task ignore all dependence on the Web UI when i use LocalExecutor

Solution 1:[1]

I had a similar problem. Issue was following:

With LocalExecutor you cannot run single task, you could only run the whole DAG at once. Source code

DAG was already in 'success' state.

Possible solution is to change DAG status to running.

Solution 2:[2]

I worked around this issue by selecting the first task in my DAG and mark all downstream tasks as success.

I would then clear the task I would actually want to run and the scheduler would pick it up and run this task for me.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Mark Lavrynenko
Solution 2 dylanvanw