'Pass extra data on the first iteration of a v-for loop

I'm creating a table with a json object given by an API The API data looks like this:

const data = {
    period1: [
        { uur: '1', klas: '4c, 4d', lokaal: '---', absent: 'Nele', tekst: 'les LO gaat door', vervanger: '---' },
        { uur: '1', klas: '2b', lokaal: 'D 3.01', absent: 'Jan', tekst: 'thuis na mail', vervanger: 'Robbe' }
    period2: [
        { uur: '2', klas: '4c, 4d', lokaal: '---', absent: 'Nele', tekst: 'les LO gaat door', vervanger: '---' }
    lunch: []

My table view has a bunch of <tbody>'s eg:

  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
      <TableRow /> <!-- row component -->


The first iteration should have an extra <td> with the given period (prop) and in the <slot> an html element should be passed. For example, data.lunch needs <img src="/assets/images/bread.svg">

I was able to use v-for to create the other table rows, but i can't figure out the first one:

<TableRow v-for="item in witteLessen.period1" :key="item" :absent="item.absent" :classroom="item.lokaal" :grade="item.klas" :message="item.tekst" :substitute="item.vervanger" />

(i planned on passing item as a prop to make it cleaner, but i want it to work first.

TableRow's <template> looks like this:

        <td :rowspan="rowspan" class="hourLabel" width="5%" v-if="hourLabel"><slot></slot></td>
        <td width="20%">{{ absent }}</td>
        <td width="7%">{{ grade }}</td>
        <td width="20%">{{ substitute }}</td>
        <td width="7%">{{ classroom }}</td>
        <td>{{ message }}</td>

I also made a pen of the code i'm trying to port over to vue that might help with clarifying: https://codepen.io/maxtechnics/pen/eYymXOM

Solution 1:[1]

You should use index with the loop and then conditionally render HTML the first item with index.

I made this sandbox for you to try this approach: https://codesandbox.io/s/objective-hertz-kswvyd?file=/src/components/Table.vue

Edit: added most important bits from the codesandbox

The table:

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                v-for="(item, index) of items.period1"
                <td v-if="index === 0">HTML THAT YOU WANT GOES HERE</td>


        <td width="20%">{{ absent }}</td>
        <td width="7%">{{ grade }}</td>
        <td width="20%">{{ substitute }}</td>
        <td width="7%">{{ classroom }}</td>
        <td>{{ message }}</td>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Maxim